Electric cars are just a dream for some people, an advanced car of the future running on electrically charged batteries. The electric car is not only going to be in the future, it has been in the past and these unique cars are even in the present.
No, you don't have to clean out your ears, the electric car has been in the past. Didn't hear about it? No? It's because the electric cars took place in California. A law was passed that 10% of cars made had to give off no emissions. Reluctantly, GM sold the cars called EV1. GM didn't want to sell the cars because they did not take any gas and there were no parts of a normal engine to replace. GM kept the cars "low key" and made terrible commercials about them. Most of the public didn't even know about the EV1's. The people who did want one, could only lease the car not purchase it. Only around 600 were leased but the people who did lease them loved them. After 2 years, GM cancelled the EV1 program after the law wasrecinded. Surprisingly, GM took back all of the EV1's and promised to reuse the parts but never did. Their owners were furious but could only sit and watch as the cars, one by one, were shredded. A great movie to watch about this story is a movie called Who Killed the Electric Car?

Electric cars are made now. They aren't they even hard to find! For example, there is an electric car made by Toyota! It is called the Rav-4 EV, it can seat 4 and has a range of 80-120 miles in just one charge. Today, they let you buy the car not just lease it. Electric cars aren't hard to make which means they are cheap. A 2008 Rav4 only costs around $22,000. One full charge (which you can do at home) costs around only $2.70! With a gas car it takes at least $50 and gasoline prices are still rising. Electric cars aren't just of the future but the present as well!
I am absolutely positive that electric cars will be in the future. With global warming and gas prices sky rocketing electric cars are the cars of the future. The car companies and other small companies are making and improving all kinds of the electric car. Electric cars can go up to 200 miles per hour and you can even buy a convertable. Some companies will even convert your car into an electric car! These cars are quieter and can go the same speed, the only difference is that they don't put out exhaust! No one knows for sure about the future but electric cars are going to be in it!
cars come in all shapes and sizes but here are the
coolest of electric cars. For example, the Tesla Roadster. It can go up
to 130 mph and can go from 0 to 60 in four seconds! With a three and a
half hour charge, this car can take you 250 miles. The problem is, it's
expensive! If you have money burning a hole in your pocket, why not get
this $80,000 to $100,000 car? The NmG
( no more gas) electric
car is made for a person who drives alone. With this one-seater
car, you can park just about everywhere! It can zip you along at 76
mph. So while it's just you driving to work everyday, this is the car
for you! Many other electric cars are unique like these, so go out and
buy one!
Even buses are going electric! A company called E-Bus helps people either convert their buses or buy electric buses! These buses are wheelchair accessible and have even a quick charge. Better get in line though because with only 60 employees, this company can produce only about 150 buses a year. These E-Bus companies are spread all throughout the U.S. As a city, this could save taxpayers lots of money a year. The ride will be quieter and everyone will want to take the bus!
Electric cars are here to stay with the designs getting better everyday. What are you waiting for? Go and buy an electric car!